1982 VINTAGE FENDER Stratocaster 1957 Re-Issue Original Vintage Made in USA

Category: Product ID: 901


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1957 Re-Issue

Original Vintage

Made in USA

1982 Vintage FENDER ’57 Re-Issue Stratocaster guitar , Low serial number, V000505,
Neck date, June ’82 .
Maple neck, two tone sunburst. 3 way switch.
Three piece ash body. Lightweight. 4kg/8.8lb

Tweed case. VGC

One owner !
This guitar has just had it’s very first detail and setup with 10-46 gauge strings and feels new and wonderful.

The early Re-Issue Fenders from 82-83 with low serial numbers are the most desirable.

Please see further down the page for more details
and internal parts images.



Early serial number V000505

NOTE: Original owner assures me the guitar was originally supplied with this gold Fender Stratocastertremolo arm with gold metal tip..

The lightest buckle worming just above the spring cover. Barely noticeable.

NOTE: This is the first time the neck has been removed from the guitar since it was first made. I had to do this to show the neck date and parts images.
The result was a few small lacquer chips around the neck plate. The images show all original parts, untouched solder joints. Excellent !

1982 Red based Stratocaster pickups dated 1982

Pot codes 137 82 26

The rear edge and hinges of the tweed case show some marks and rust spots from being stored in a cupboard and not used for many many years.

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